Welcome to Sterling Images Gallery!
             (Updated January 4, 2024)

    This site is kept online for portfolio and historical purposes. It was originally posted in 2008. It was my first attempt to post an online presentation of my photographic art from age 16 to 60. Now, I am in my late-70s.

    Looking for John Bain Art? Click here to view John Bain's 1977 large, exquisite, original Hawaiiana event poster that I am selling, and to learn more about John.

    This site was relatively active until 2010, at which time I downsized my photography projects in favor of working on, and publishing, my first book at age 65.

    What is posted here now is primarily what existed here in 2013. I am keeping it online while working on a replacement gallery.

    New gallery items are posted frequently -- photoventuresgallery.com. So far, it contains old school, Can-Am race car photographs, the Taj Mahal gallery and David Sanborn in concert 1988.

    Unframed prints of photographs found here can be ordered in any size up to 24" x 36" for delivery only in North America. Framed prints above the size of 20" x 20" cannot be shipped. Click here contact me to ask questions or discuss a custom order.

    A brick and mortar Sterling Images Gallery existed for a short time in West Seattle in late 2009. It was shut down by the Seattle Department of Planning and Development ("DPD") for a "zoning violation." Some of that history can be viewed further below.

    My other photographic images website, DuckiesRule.com and Etsy Shop -- Sterling Images contain the most original and silly rubber ducky images you will see anywhere in the world. If duckies ruled the world, what a nice place it would be!

        Click for an enlarged image

        Click here to view more fish-eye images Click for larger image of Mantispid.
    Click to view more fisheye photographs.

        Celebrating the Genius Car Constructor and Full-Tilt Driver: Bruce McLaren.
             (posted 05/15/2020)

    Fifty years ago, we lost Bruce McLaren due to a mechanical failure accident at high speed while he test-drove his new Can-Am car at the Goodwood, UK, road-racing track. That was June 2, 1970.

    Nine months earlier, I had did a photographic study of the 1969 Riverside International Raceway LA Times Grand Prix on October 25 and 26, 1969. October 26, 1969 was Bruce's last appearance at Riverside.

    My photographs of the 1969 and 1970 Riverside races were lost before I even made proof sheets. After many years and several moves, I had assumed they were gone for good. However, miraculously, 50 years later, I found them on March 2, 2020, stuck in a file folder in acetate sleeves under an old Malinverno projector I was finally going to get rid of.

    Since March 10, 2020, I have been digitizing the original B&W 35 mm Tri-X film negatives and making prints from 8 x 10 to 24 x 36 inches. Below is one of the currently-available prints. It takes a huge amount of time to correctly scan and digitize 35 mm black and white negative film. Posted images are very low resolution compared to the high resolution digitized scans that I do at 9600 and 12800 dpi. Most photographs from the 1969 and 1970 LA Times Grand Prix have been posted for sale at my Photo Adventures Gallery. More are on the way, including TransAm 1969, 1970, Riverside Raceway.

    This is a one-of-a-kind photograph of Bruce McLaren signaling to pass the Lola driven by Vic Nelli in the 1969 LA Times Grand Prix, Can Am, October 26, 1969. Bruce was notorious for passing wide at Turns 6 and 7. He did not finish the 1969 race due to an accident. His teammate, Denis Hulme finished first. Denis Hulme finished first at Riverside in 1969, 1970 and 1971.

    First place through fourth place in 1969 was Denis Hulme, Chuck Parsons, Mario Andretti, and Dan Gurney. Hulme's average speed for the entire 201.3 mile race was 121 mph. That means that speeds often exceeded 170 mph on the straightaways.

        The Short Story of the Brick and Mortar Sterling Images Gallery.

    The neighbors did not like the existence of a small, neighborhood-friendly art gallery featuring immediate neighbor-artist art for a total of eight hours per week. They initiated complaints to the DPD who then issued a citation for a zoning violation with deadlines after which fines would become very expensive.

        February 11, 2009 -- Art Walk! -- Dedicated to the Taj Mahal.

    We dedicated our February 11, 2009, West Seattle Art Walk event at Sterling Images Gallery to the Taj Mahal, since the Taj Mahal would not have existed except for the love of the Shah for his third wife, who died while giving birth. What better Valentine to give than a structure that is so pure and so magnificent that it is included in the list of the Seven Wonders of the World.

    Click here to view my Taj Mahal Gallery

    As a stunned photographer of the Taj Mahal in 1982, I can tell you this -- I would crawl on hands and knees from the nearest hotel to see it again, under the same ethereal and exquisite conditions.

    Click here to view my Taj Mahal Gallery

    We gave out free 8x10 prints of the Taj Mahal to all our West Seattle Art Walk visitors.

        A Quick Look at the Studio.

        What Was the Duckwalk?   Will it be Back?   (Unfortunately, "No")

      The opening of SIG on August 13, 2009, was such a success that we decided to do a weekly, Thursday evening Duckwalk (like an Art Walk, only way more fun) every Thursday in September and October of 2009. Below is a copy of the official Duckwalk flyer. Weekly drawings for one child and one adult ducky item (t-shirt or calendar) took place.

      The Rackner children were big winners of Duckwalk prizes given away during September and October 2009.

      "Put Your Art Hat On" is an original saying created by Ron Sterling for Sterling Images Gallery, and it means what it says!

        The Gallery Presented King Duck!

      In celebration of Halloween 2009, Sterling Images Gallery ("SIG") presented Ducky Warhol as "King Duck!" He was the host of the First Annual Ducky Warhol Halloween Celebration presented by Ron Sterling and Sarah Fetzer. He was heard saying "I'm dead! You're not! So, have a great Halloween!"

    No Buy Now Button Order Prints are Available Here.
    However, Custom Prints and Digital Editions Can be Ordered.
    Click Here to Use My Contact eMail Form to ask questions
    or discuss a custom order from this website.

      The only photographs available for viewing here were part of the original site. They are found below under headings "The Guggenheim," "The Cloisters," "Paris Opera House," "Avignon, France," and "Spain."

      Posted images are reduced in resolution for easier viewing and they contain watermarks. Purchased prints do not contain watermarks.

      Ron Sterling reserves the right to change posted content on this site, including the right to leave current content as is, for historical purposes and information, even when descriptions, pricing, policies and other content may contain errors. Otherwise, information related to photographs displayed here is generally correct but the viewer must keep in mind that this site is posted for historical purposes. My newer online gallery allows direct purchasing.

        Links to Photographs.

      Click on a link below to open a page of thumbnail photographs in a separate window. Click on a thumbnail to view a higher resolution image. Very few photographs have been posted since 2013.

        The Guggenheim Museum, including a wonderful, high resolution photograph of David Smith's metal sculpture, "Cubi I," in the lobby, during the "David Smith -- A Centennial" exhibition that took place February 3 to May 14, 2006.

        The Cloisters Museum, a branch of the Metropolitan Art Museum. Photographs of the famous Unicorn Tapestries, the Crucifix in the reconstructed Apse of San Martin at Fuentiduena, and more.

        Paris Opera House -- (Palais Garnier, Le Garnier, Opera Garnier, Opera National de Paris). Excellent high-resolution photographs of the famous Chagall ceiling fresco.

        Avignon, France -- Cityscapes, the Papal Palace, the main Cathedral, and two romantic and spiritual scenes from a hotel which was once a 17th century Jesuit cloister.

        Palau de la Musica Catalana -- Barcelona art nouveau symphony hall (incredible architecture and stained glass ceiling). The only way to photograph the magnificent stained glass ceiling of the symphony hall is to purchase tickets to a performance. There are no comparable high-quality photographs of this stunning stained glass ceiling available on the Internet (last reviewed 07/27/13) except what is posted here. One sample photograph can be viewed by clicking here. If you have ever toured the Palau de la Musica, you will want to hang a 20" by 30" print of it in your home or office.

        Flamenco dancers performing at Tablao Flamenco Cordobes. One photograph is available at this time.

        Copyright and Purchaser Rights.

      Please Note: As noted at the top of this page, this website and most of its contents were part of the original 2005-2010 online gallery site for my fine photography. It still displays much of what was present when it was operational for viewing and purchasing prints. However, it is not possible to purchase anything directly at this website.

      Please visit My Photo Adventures Gallery to view what is available now. Almost 100 fine photographs are available there, and more are being posted for sale on a daily basis. (updated 09/17/2022)

      Unless a purchaser has purchased other media rights from Ron Sterling, purchasers of fine art prints rendered from photographs displayed on this Web site are for personal use only and certain restrictions apply.

      Thank you for your kind consideration of artistic and creative material that is sold and shared for profit to pay the bills.

        Thank You for Visiting!

                 Best wishes!   Ron Sterling

    Sterling Images (tm)
    Kailua, Hawaii, USA

    Updated January 4, 2024
    Copyright 2005-2024. Ron Sterling. All Rights Reserved.

Click here to visit my Photo Adventures Gallery
Click here to visit my Etsy Shop -- Sterling Images
Click here to visit my Zazzle Shop -- DuckiesRule.com